Government Executive

Government Executive is an American trade magazine, founded in 1969. In 2009, the independent research firm Market Connections, Inc. cited the magazine as the number one publication read by federal managers. It is part of Atlantic Media Company and owned by David Bradley.

The editorial team is led by Tom Shoop, along with managing editor Sue Fourney and executive editor Katherine McIntire Peters, who also oversees the tech-focused Nextgov sister site. [1] [2] The magazine is distributed free to senior executives in federal, state and local governments.[3]


  1. ^ "Government Executive Staff". GovExec. November 4, 2011. 
  2. ^ "Government Executive Wins Four FOLIO Awards for Editorial and Design Excellence". PRNewswire. December 10, 2009. 
  3. ^ Sugawara, Sandra (February 13, 1987). "Nat'l Journal Buys Monthly D.C. Magazine". The Washington Post. 

External links

Official website